Streaming Responses

The best way to test streaming responses such as Server-Sent Events is through the [WebTestClient] which can be used as a test client to connect to a MockMvc instance to perform tests on Web MVC controllers without a running server. For example:

WebTestClient client = MockMvcWebTestClient.bindToController(new SseController()).build();

FluxExchangeResult<Person> exchangeResult = client.get()

// Use StepVerifier from Project Reactor to test the streaming response

    .expectNext(new Person("N0"), new Person("N1"), new Person("N2"))
    .consumeNextWith(person -> assertThat(person.getName()).endsWith("7"))

WebTestClient can also connect to a live server and perform full end-to-end integration tests. This is also supported in Infra App where you can test a running server.