Java Bean Validation

The TODAY Framework provides support for the Java Bean Validation API.

Overview of Bean Validation

Bean Validation provides a common way of validation through constraint declaration and metadata for Java applications. To use it, you annotate domain model properties with declarative validation constraints which are then enforced by the runtime. There are built-in constraints, and you can also define your own custom constraints.

Consider the following example, which shows a simple PersonForm model with two properties:

  • Java

public class PersonForm {
  private String name;
  private int age;

Bean Validation lets you declare constraints as the following example shows:

  • Java

public class PersonForm {

  private String name;

  private int age;

A Bean Validation validator then validates instances of this class based on the declared constraints. See Bean Validation for general information about the API. See the Hibernate Validator documentation for specific constraints. To learn how to set up a bean validation provider as a Infra bean, keep reading.

Configuring a Bean Validation Provider

Infra provides full support for the Bean Validation API including the bootstrapping of a Bean Validation provider as a Infra bean. This lets you inject a jakarta.validation.ValidatorFactory or jakarta.validation.Validator wherever validation is needed in your application.

You can use the LocalValidatorFactoryBean to configure a default Validator as a Infra bean, as the following example shows:

  • Java

  • XML

import cn.taketoday.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean;

public class AppConfig {

  public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() {
    return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
<bean id="validator" class="cn.taketoday.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean"/>

The basic configuration in the preceding example triggers bean validation to initialize by using its default bootstrap mechanism. A Bean Validation provider, such as the Hibernate Validator, is expected to be present in the classpath and is automatically detected.

Inject Jakarta Validator

LocalValidatorFactoryBean implements both jakarta.validation.ValidatorFactory and jakarta.validation.Validator, so you can inject a reference to the latter to apply validation logic if you prefer to work with the Bean Validation API directly, as the following example shows:

  • Java

import jakarta.validation.Validator;

public class MyService {

  private Validator validator;

Inject Infra Validator

In addition to implementing jakarta.validation.Validator, LocalValidatorFactoryBean also adapts to cn.taketoday.validation.Validator, so you can inject a reference to the latter if your bean requires the Infra Validation API.

For example:

  • Java

import cn.taketoday.validation.Validator;

public class MyService {

  private Validator validator;

When used as cn.taketoday.validation.Validator, LocalValidatorFactoryBean invokes the underlying jakarta.validation.Validator, and then adapts ContraintViolations to FieldErrors, and registers them with the Errors object passed into the validate method.

Configure Custom Constraints

Each bean validation constraint consists of two parts:

  • A @Constraint annotation that declares the constraint and its configurable properties.

  • An implementation of the jakarta.validation.ConstraintValidator interface that implements the constraint’s behavior.

To associate a declaration with an implementation, each @Constraint annotation references a corresponding ConstraintValidator implementation class. At runtime, a ConstraintValidatorFactory instantiates the referenced implementation when the constraint annotation is encountered in your domain model.

By default, the LocalValidatorFactoryBean configures a InfraConstraintValidatorFactory that uses Infra to create ConstraintValidator instances. This lets your custom ConstraintValidators benefit from dependency injection like any other Infra bean.

The following example shows a custom @Constraint declaration followed by an associated ConstraintValidator implementation that uses Infra for dependency injection:

  • Java

@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface MyConstraint {
  • Java

import jakarta.validation.ConstraintValidator;

public class MyConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator {

  private Foo aDependency;

  // ...

As the preceding example shows, a ConstraintValidator implementation can have its dependencies @Autowired as any other Infra bean.

Infra-driven Method Validation

You can integrate the method validation feature of Bean Validation into a Infra context through a MethodValidationPostProcessor bean definition:

  • Java

  • XML

import cn.taketoday.validation.beanvalidation.MethodValidationPostProcessor;

public class AppConfig {

  public MethodValidationPostProcessor validationPostProcessor() {
    return new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
<bean class="cn.taketoday.validation.beanvalidation.MethodValidationPostProcessor"/>

To be eligible for Infra-driven method validation, target classes need to be annotated with Infra @Validated annotation, which can optionally also declare the validation groups to use. See MethodValidationPostProcessor for setup details with the Hibernate Validator and Bean Validation providers.

Method validation relies on AOP Proxies around the target classes, either JDK dynamic proxies for methods on interfaces or CGLIB proxies. There are certain limitations with the use of proxies, some of which are described in Understanding AOP Proxies. In addition remember to always use methods and accessors on proxied classes; direct field access will not work.

Web MVC and WebFlux have built-in support for the same underlying method validation but without the need for AOP. Therefore, do check the rest of this section, and also see the Web MVC Validation and Error Responses sections.

Method Validation Exceptions

By default, jakarta.validation.ConstraintViolationException is raised with the set of ConstraintViolations returned by jakarata.validation.Validator. As an alternative, you can have MethodValidationException raised instead with ConstraintViolations adapted to MessageSourceResolvable errors. To enable set the following flag:

  • Java

  • XML

import cn.taketoday.validation.beanvalidation.MethodValidationPostProcessor;

public class AppConfig {

  public MethodValidationPostProcessor validationPostProcessor() {
    MethodValidationPostProcessor processor = new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
    return processor;
<bean class="cn.taketoday.validation.beanvalidation.MethodValidationPostProcessor">
  <property name="adaptConstraintViolations" value="true"/>

MethodValidationException contains a list of ParameterValidationResults which group errors by method parameter, and each exposes a MethodParameter, the argument value, and a list of MessageSourceResolvable errors adapted from ConstraintViolations. For @Valid method parameters with cascaded violations on fields and properties, the ParameterValidationResult is ParameterErrors which implements cn.taketoday.validation.Errors and exposes validation errors as FieldErrors.

Customizing Validation Errors

The adapted MessageSourceResolvable errors can be turned into error messages to display to users through the configured MessageSource with locale and language specific resource bundles. This section provides an example for illustration.

Given the following class declarations:

  • Java

record Person(@Size(min = 1, max = 10) String name) {

public class MyService {

  void addStudent(@Valid Person person, @Max(2) int degrees) {
    // ...

A ConstraintViolation on is adapted to a FieldError with the following:

  • Error codes "", "", "", and "Size"

  • Message arguments "name", 10, and 1 (the field name and the constraint attributes)

  • Default message "size must be between 1 and 10"

To customize the default message, you can add properties to MessageSource resource bundles using any of the above errors codes and message arguments. Note also that the message argument "name" is itself a MessagreSourceResolvable with error codes "" and "name" and can customized too. For example:

Properties, provide a {0} that is between {2} and {1} characters long

A ConstraintViolation on the degrees method parameter is adapted to a MessageSourceResolvable with the following:

  • Error codes "Max.myService#addStudent.degrees", "Max.degrees", "", "Max"

  • Message arguments "degrees2 and 2 (the field name and the constraint attribute)

  • Default message "must be less than or equal to 2"

To customize the above default message, you can add a property such as:

Max.degrees=You cannot provide more than {1} {0}

Additional Configuration Options

The default LocalValidatorFactoryBean configuration suffices for most cases. There are a number of configuration options for various Bean Validation constructs, from message interpolation to traversal resolution. See the LocalValidatorFactoryBean javadoc for more information on these options.

Configuring a DataBinder

You can configure a DataBinder instance with a Validator. Once configured, you can invoke the Validator by calling binder.validate(). Any validation Errors are automatically added to the binder’s BindingResult.

The following example shows how to use a DataBinder programmatically to invoke validation logic after binding to a target object:

  • Java

Foo target = new Foo();
DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(target);
binder.setValidator(new FooValidator());

// bind to the target object

// validate the target object

// get BindingResult that includes any validation errors
BindingResult results = binder.getBindingResult();

You can also configure a DataBinder with multiple Validator instances through dataBinder.addValidators and dataBinder.replaceValidators. This is useful when combining globally configured bean validation with a Infra Validator configured locally on a DataBinder instance. See Web MVC Validation Configuration.

Web MVC 3 Validation

See Validation in the Web MVC chapter.