
@ContextHierarchy is a class-level annotation that is used to define a hierarchy of ApplicationContext instances for integration tests. @ContextHierarchy should be declared with a list of one or more @ContextConfiguration instances, each of which defines a level in the context hierarchy. The following examples demonstrate the use of @ContextHierarchy within a single test class (@ContextHierarchy can also be used within a test class hierarchy):

  • Java

class ContextHierarchyTests {
  // class body...
  • Java

  @ContextConfiguration(classes = AppConfig.class),
  @ContextConfiguration(classes = WebConfig.class)
class WebIntegrationTests {
  // class body...

If you need to merge or override the configuration for a given level of the context hierarchy within a test class hierarchy, you must explicitly name that level by supplying the same value to the name attribute in @ContextConfiguration at each corresponding level in the class hierarchy. See Context Hierarchies and the @ContextHierarchy javadoc for further examples.